About this site

This site aims to educate and provide information to established breeders, exhibitors, fanciers, and working dog enthusiasts, more precisely, where these areas of interest relate to Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs.


To ethically and humanely bring the natural qualities of the pure-bred Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs to perfection through selective breeding;

To educate owners and to work with breeders to adhere to the approved standard of the breed as approved within the governing bodies by which the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs are judged;

To encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, events, and obedience trials and advance the interests of the breed according to the established code of ethics;

Catahoula Leopard Dog Bones
Leopard Dog Photo by jmalpass

To encourage the organization of independent regional Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs Clubs where there is sufficient interest in the breed;

To conduct sanctioned matches and specialty shows only under the rules provided by the governing bodies under which the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs are judged.